sabato 4 maggio 2019

My cyberdeck

This is my version of Cyberdeck from the dystropian future of William Gibson.
It is raspberry pi2 + arduino micro + 50W audio amply and double LCD display.

Design Pattern : Flyweight Pattern

Flyweight Pattern is user to reduce the amount or memory when you have many objects with a common part. So you separate the common part from the specialized part of the object and you reuse the common parte for all object.
For example you can create a cache class that stores a list of objects, these objects are common and you don't need to instantiate a new object if it is already instantiated previously. The Classic example is a Word processore that uses characters. The characters have a common part: font,size,color, and a specificare part, the characters itself : 'a', 'b', etc and when you use the characters 'a' you don't have to recreate the object again when you use it a second time.

class Character
    int size;
    string font;
    Color color;

    public void Character()
         size = 8;
         font = "Verdana";
         color = Color.Red;

public class CharacterA : Character
    char character;
    public void CharacterA()
         character = 'A';

public class CharacterB : Character
    char character;
    public void CharacterB()
         character = 'B';


public class CharacterFactory
    private Dictionary<char,Character> characterMap;
    public Character GetCharacter(char character)
        Character characterToReturn;
        if (characterMap.ContainsKey(character))
             characterToReturn = characterMap[character];
                   case 'A':
                       characterToReturn = new CharacterA();
                   case 'B':
                        characterToReturn = new CharacterB();
             characterMap[character] = characterToReturn;

       return characterToReturn;

domenica 28 aprile 2019

Design Patterns : State Pattern

State pattern defines a way to manage a state machine, if you don't use design patterns, in traditional programming, you will use a switch statement to move throw the states.
You have to create an interface with a method for the action to do in a specific state, then you have to create concreate classes for each state and implement the method to implement the state, then you need a context to switch the states. The client will use the context to change the states.

public interface IStatus
     void ApplyStatus();

public class StateInit : Status
     void ApplyStatus()

public class StateRunning : Status
     public void ApplyStatus()

public class StateStop : Status
     public void ApplyStatus()

public class Context
      private Status state,

      public void SetStatus(Status status)
            state = status;

      public ChangeStatus()

Contex contex;
context.SetStatus(new StateInit());
context.SetStatus(new StateRunning());
context.SetStatus(new StateStop());

sabato 27 aprile 2019

Design Patterns : Factory Pattern

Factory pattern is a pattern to create objects from a factory, when 2 objects are similar, to avoid casting.
You have to create an abstract base class with some methods and one or more concrete classes that inherit the base class, then you have to create a factory class that has a method that return a base class, the class returned is based on the parameters of the method.

abstract class Vehicle
       public abstract Run();

class Car : Vehichle
      public override Run()
          // implement run for a car

class Motorcycle : Vehichle
      public override Run()
          // implement run for a motorcycle

class NullMobile : Vehichle
      public override Run()
          // do nothing

public static class Factory
       public Vehicle GetVehicle(string type)
            if (type.Equals("car"))
                   return new Car();
            else if (type.Equals("motorcycle"))
                   return new Motorcycle();
                   return new NullMobile();

var newCar = Factory.GetVehicle("car);

Design Patterns : Singleton

Singleton is very easy design pattern, it is used to instantiate an object only 1 time in the application.
It's like a static member.
You have to create a class and add a private member of the same class (the instance of the class), then you have to set private the constructor and add a method to get the instance that creates a new instance if not already created, otherwise it returns the private member.

static class Singleton
       private static Singleton instance;
       pubic static GetInstance()
              if (instance == null)
                    instance = new Singleton();
              return instance;


var mySingleton1 = Singleton.GetInstance();
var mySingleton2 = Singleton.GetInstance(); // in another module
and the result is mySingleton1 = mySingleton2

Design Patterns: Composite Patter

Composite patter essentially implements a tree of objects and you can use it everytime you need a tree data structure.
At first you define a class for a node with private information for the node and the list of child node. In the constructor you pass the information to create the node, also you need a method to add a child node that add the child node in the private list of child nodes and also a method to get all the child nodes. You also need an class for the root node to create the tree. the root node class has a private node that is the root node. you need a method to get this root node, then you call rootnode.add to add child nodes to root node and build the tree. A classic use of composite pattern is associated to the filesystem that is a tree data structure.

public class Node
      private NodeInfo nodeInfo;
      private List<Node> childNodes;
      public void Node(NodeInfo info)
           nodeInfo = info;
           childNodes = new List<Node>();

     public NodeInfo GetInfo()
           return nodeInfo;

     public void Add(Node node)

     public IEnumerable<Node> GetChildNodes()
            foreach(var node in childNodes)
                   yield return node;


pubic class Root
      private Node root;

      public Root(Node node)
             root = node;

      public Node getRoot()
             return root;

var rootNode = new Node(nodeInfo);
var firstChild = new Node(nodeInfo1);
var secondChild = new Node(nodeInfo2);
var tree = new Root(rootNode);
var node = tree.getRoot(),
foreach(n in node.GetChildNodes())

Design Patterns: Strategy Pattern

In the latest years design pattern programming seems a must if you want to work in a development team, especially java and C#. What I think is that a good programmer only need common sense.

This is very simplified explanation of strategy pattern:
Strategy pattern is when you want use different strategy or algorithms to process data. For example you want to use different types of sort: quick sort, bubble sort,etc, in this case the strategy is the sort algorithm. You have to create an abstract class Strategy with a method to apply the strategy, then you have to implement the strategies classes inherit from Strategy class that overload the same method with their strategy.
At the end you have to create a context class that has a private Strategy member, in the constructor you pass the strategy class (Ex: quick sort) and a method to implement the strategy that will call the strategy.strategy method.

public abstract class Strategy
public abstract double applyAlgorithm(int a,int b),

public class FirstAlghorithm extends Strategy
         public double ApplyAlgorithm(int a,int b)
// do calculation

public class SecondAlghorithm extends Strategy
         public double ApplyAlgorithm(int a,int b)
// do calculation

public class Context
         private Strategy strategy,
         public Context(Strategy strategy)
                this.strategy = strategy;

         public double applyAlgorithm(int a,int b)
return strategy.ApplyAlgorithm(a,b);


Context ctx = new Context( new FirstStrategy());

double result = ctx.ApplyAlgorithm( 4, 2);

In case of sorting strategies the previous example  become:

public abstract class StrategySort
public abstract void Sort(int[] array),

public class MergeSort extends StrategySort
        public void Sort(int[] array)         
// do merge sort in array

public class QuickSort extends StrategySort
        public void Sort(int[] array)         
// do quicksort in array

public class Context
         private StrategySort strategy,
         public Context(StrategySort strategy)
                this.strategy = strategy;

        public void Sort(int[] array)         


Context ctx = new Context( new QuickSort());

double result = ctx.Sort(array);

mercoledì 27 marzo 2019


I installed nanoframework in Visual Studio 2017 and I can program ESP32 using C#.
The API for ESP32 is quite limited and with Arduino IDE you can do much more, but C# is high level programming language,  it's highly OOP oriented and it's a good solution  for complex applications. ESP32 has a lot of memory and double core CPU. If you use it with LUA or javascipt you are limited  by the language.
Also, if you have a ESP32 board with JTAG, you can  use the step by step debugger of Visual Studio.
You have to download a specific firmware on ESP32 to make it  work with nanoframework, the firmware is in nanoframework git repository.

domenica 27 gennaio 2019


Dear friends,
I was  googling about how  to  use esp32 like  a usb  keyboard, but it doesn't seem feasible and youncan't use  the  arduino keyboard  library.
It seems only certain arduinos can use keyboard  library: Leonardo, micro, arduino 2, mkr serie.
I opted for sparkfun micro pro, because I found it in  the electronic  shop behind the corner.
At first glance I was very surprised for the size,  it's incredible  small, apart  that, keyboard libraries  works  perfectly on it.
You will wonder why am I interested  in such a device?
The reason is because I red of a device  called bash bunny.
That'an interesting concept,  because the idea of simply connect to the computer an usb keyboard and automagically control  it is the fantasy of my childhood and it  is used  in many Hollywood movies.
In past  I thought to simulate a cdrom with  an  arduino, because  it you pur certain  files  on a cdrom  the  old versions  of windows  executed it when you3 inserted the  cdrom  without asking, but  the latest  versions of windows  asks.
Basically  as usb  key  emulator you can do anything on the computer. You  can login, activate the command prompt or the  powershell  prompt  and write your  program and execute  it. Top can have the total control  of the system.
For example it you want to start  the command  prompt, voi nave to use this code:
include "Keyboard.h"
Now you can write your commands
It you want to type many characters, you need an  sd reader to  connect to  the micro pro. Usually sd card  readers requires 5volt.  You  can  use  the  usb  to  obtain this Voltage. I bought the 3.3 volts  version  of the micro  pro because I wanted to connect  it to the esp32, but there is also  a 5v version.

sabato 19 gennaio 2019


Hey guys,
I found a program that uses unsupervised learning neural network to generate random faces.
These faces are not faces of real people, these are faces of unexisting people. You click a button and it generates a random face,then you can change this face using many switches.
These are some faces I generated:

What happens if someone put a unexisting face in a fake facebook profile?