Can we replicate the brain of a nematode by an artificial neural network?
I think we can't. The question is: the soul of the nematode is in those 302 neurons? Or not?
Is the nematode self conscious? If the nematode is not self conscious, it is only a machine.
If a nematode is not self conscious, a cat is self conscious? Why are we self conscious and a nematode not? Because we have more neurons?
Are we sure we are self conscious or we are only executing a complex alghorithm?
How can a neuro contains part of a soul?
The model of an artificial neuron make sums, the signal of a single neuron is multiplied by a weight and summed with the other neurons on the same layer and at the result is applied a function, usually a sigmoid, probably a real neuron is more complicated, but not so complicated.
The model of an artificial neuron make sums, the signal of a single neuron is multiplied by a weight and summed with the other neurons on the same layer and at the result is applied a function, usually a sigmoid, probably a real neuron is more complicated, but not so complicated.
We believe, we hope to have a soul, we hope to be more than a machine, but we are only machines.
We are machine. We are not, until we act with humanity.
If you don't act with humanity, you are only a machine.
If you don't act with humanity, you are only a machine.
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